Our School Board
The Burns Beach Primary School Board plays an important governance role in supporting the principal and school staff to implement the system strategic directions in our school and to achieve year on year improvement. Our School Board consists of 5 parent representatives, 1 community representative, 2 staff representatives and the Principal. The Board meets regularly throughout the year.
The School Board works with the principal to undertake the following responsibilities:
- Work within the Department of Education’s relevant legislation and regulations
- Note the school’s Statement of Expectation
- Monitor the progress of the School’s Business Plan
- Endorse and review the annual budget
- Assist with the formulation of Codes of Conduct
- Participate in a review of the performance of the school
- Approve fees, charges, contributions and items of personal use (booklists)
- Liaise with other committees within the school eg. The P&C
School Board Minutes
Our P&C
The P&C Association is the forum for parents and citizens in government schools who have an interest in their children’s education for the purpose of supporting a strong school system for the benefit of all students. The functions of the P&C include:
- Develop parent participation and involvement in the school
- Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community
- Provide extra resources for the benefit of government school students
- P&C Associations can fundraise, but this is not their sole purpose. However, all surplus funds of the P&C must be used for the benefit of students attending the school.