Welcome to Burns Beach Primary School, the long-awaited and much anticipated new primary school in the beautiful suburb of Burns Beach.

It has been a tremendous privilege working with our staff, students, their families, and the wider community to create a school that has established a culture of care and high expectations for all, with a deliberate focus on what’s best for students at the heart of everything we do.

Trudy Burke

We have worked positively together to ensure our students and their families have a strong sense of belonging and connection to our school. As a truly community centred school, we strongly reflect the values, character and spirit of the unique place in which we are situated. We believe this is best reflected in our vision:

“Inspiring heads, hearts and hands”

We will support our students in all facets of their development, from progressing their academic achievement-their ‘heads’, to nurturing their social and emotional development- their ‘hearts’- whilst also ensuring a connection to the local community and the wider world-their ‘hands’.

Our students will feel deeply connected to our school and are proud to be members of our school community. They will have a strong sense of ownership of our school, our values and our vision and will reflect these in all they do. Our learning environment will ensure success for all students. It will reflect a sense of fun, allowing students to problem-solve, enhance their innate sense of curiosity and make valuable connections.

Positive engagement and communication with our parents is critical. Our families are welcomed as partners and advocates for their children and we highly value their contributions to their child’s education. We have developed genuine, positive and trusting mutual relationships with, and between, all members of our school community with a focus on enriching the learning of our students.

Our exemplary staff will demonstrate exceptional levels of care for their students and their families. They will possess the mental model that every child can and will succeed and that every child is important. Teaching and learning at our school is evidence-based and founded on the premise that every student will succeed. Our exemplary staff work collaboratively; consistently and relentlessly examining the impact of their teaching. Our learning programs are culturally responsive and inclusive.

We will learn from, and relate respectfully with, people from our own culture and other cultures. All students will understand, acknowledge and celebrate the diversity and richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.

If you would like to join our remarkable learning community, or just want to know a little bit more, please feel free to get in touch or visit us in person.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Trudy Burke
