Burns Beach Primary School’s Education Support Program provides specialist education for students with special needs from Kindergarten to Year 6. Students with a diagnosis of Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, Physical Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder may be eligible to enrol.

Educational programs promote the functional, intellectual, social emotional and physical development of students, allowing them to achieve their potential in a safe and inclusive environment. All students have an Individualised Education Plan, collaboratively developed with teachers, parents and therapists. Strong and consistent channels of communication between all stakeholders enhances these processes and supports students to achieve their personal goals.

Academic programs complement whole school approaches in Literacy and Numeracy and cater for the diverse needs of students. Programs are enhanced using technology to support student needs, and cater for the development of communication, functional and self-management skills, along with social skills and protective behaviours.

Our staff have skills and specialised training in providing high quality educational programs for students with a disability. Students enrolled in the Burns Beach Education Support Program are catered for in specialist classes with small student numbers. Opportunities for integration into mainstream classes are provided where appropriate.


Applications to enrol in education support programs are assessed according to Department of Education criteria. Our principal and intake team consider applications for enrolment and confirm diagnosis of disability and determine if the application meets criteria based on the student’s age.

Education support enrolment criteria for Kindergarten are:

  • diagnosis of autism, intellectual disability, physical disability or Global Developmental Delay;
  • the requirement for extensive adjustments and substantial supports is evident prior to enrolment; and
  • significant deficits in communication and/or behaviour that interfere markedly with development and functioning.

A Kindergarten education support enrolment does not guarantee a Pre-primary education support enrolment. Pre-primary aged students should meet the Pre-primary to Year 12 education support criteria prior to enrolment.

Education support enrolment criteria for Pre-primary to Year 6 students are:

  • evidence that the intellectual disability, physical disability, or autism diagnosis demonstrates eligibility for an individual disability allocation;
  • the disability and co-existing conditions result in a substantially reduced functional capacity that is expected to be life- long; and
  • a substantial or extensive level of adjustments is required to provide an appropriate education program.

Please enrol via our online application.