Enrolment Information
Our principal will:
- accept all applications for enrolment using the Application for Enrolment Form and enrol
eligible children using the Enrolment Form. - for local-intake schools, assess applications for enrolment for the commencement of the
following year from outside the local-intake area and for Kindergarten after the enrolment
closing date (the first Friday of Term 3 each year); - plan ahead for sufficient accommodation to be available to enrol eligible children;
- publish accurate information about enrolment specific to the school for parents;
prioritise the enrolment of children according to the criteria set out in the School Education
Regulations 2000; - notify parents in writing of the outcome of enrolment decisions at the earliest opportunity if
applying for the current year and within three weeks of the closing date for applications if
enrolling for the following year; - collect and record a child’s immunisation status at the time of enrolment;
- collect and record a child’s Medicare number, if it is available, at the time of enrolment;
- determine the year level placement of a child, in consultation with the parents and reflecting the emphasis on age appropriate placements; and
- notify the previous school (Education Regional Office for home education cases) by notice of transfer when the enrolment procedure is completed.