Our Vision

Inspiring Heads, Hearts & Hands.

We will support our students in all facets of their development, from progressing their academic achievement-their ‘heads’, to nurturing their social and emotional development-their hearts-whilst also ensuring a connection to the local community and the wider world-their ‘hands’. 

Our Values

Our Values, The 5 C’s, were developed in collaboration with our school community.

Neville Collard, Aboriginal Elder, has provided the Noongar meaning of each value and their translations. 


gnullark noyyang ngulla boodja maarman ngaarnk coolungarrs

“We are connected to the land, men, women and children (people)”

Students who are connected have a sense of identity, strong personal values and can see where they fit in the ‘big picture’. Students learn and develop best when their culture, their language, their knowledge and community are affirmed by others in their everyday lives, allowing them to feel they belong.


gnullark garodjin noonida

“We are caring and looking out for you”

Students who care display kindness and concern for others and themselves


coolungars winjie wah koorl boorda

“We are curious about travelling into the future” 

Curious students are eager to find out answers and to explore and learn. They are engaged in their education, are more positive and believe there is something good to learn about the world around them.  


gnullark koorlinjy boorda doornitj booraka moorditj

“We are going strongly and courageously into the future” 

Courageous students’ risk on purpose, have-a-go and make brave choices. They stand up for themselves and their friends, challenge themselves to excel or try something new. 


noonida motogon nitja yaye boorda boorda

“Everyone is creative here, now and later on”

Creative students use their imagination and ideas to spark collaboration and learning that challenges minds.

Positive Behaviour Support

Our values (The 5C's) are the foundation of our PBS program. To find out more about PBS at Burns Beach PS, click the button below.